Tips to be considered while buying solar hot water controller

Many people these days are now switching over to solar hot water controller as they feel that it gives instant heating and will be able to provide the best benefits for many numbers of years. There are still some concepts that has to be considered upon when you are about to buy this solar hot water controller. The main thing that has to be considered is the installation of the solar hot water system. If this is not installed well, the whole system will not be of any use as they may fail to function in the long run. Here are some tips that will help you to buy the best solar hot water controller:

  1. When you are buying the solar hot water controller you should consider the size of the solar water heater as the benefits can be reaped only when the ideal size is chosen. When your household needs are too small or medium it will be good and advisable to buy the medium or small size solar hot water controller instead of going for a big or huge piece. Just because the service dealer is giving great discounts on big volume you should not buy the big water heater as the hot water will not get produced in these collectors.
  2. Solar hot water controller positioning should be correct, only when the heater is placed in the correct angle, it will give out the maximum efficiency. Consult your water heater installer before you can install this piece at your home. When you are installing the heater in summer, you should consider the sun ray point as if the device is placed in the shady region it will reduce the efficiency of the system.
  3. The next tip regarding the solar hot water controller is the positioning of the controller, the split solar water system is the heating system wherein the collectors will be placed on the house roof and the cylinder is placed over the ground. This comes with an electronic controller with circulating pump to move the water from this storage cylinder to the collector and back for heating. When the controller is fixed with a plastic box, over heating of the water will make the container brittle and will lead to cracks within few days. It will not be able to bear the prolonged direct rays of the sunlight.
  4. The next point to be considered is the positioning of the circulating pump, the case that covers the pump is basically plastic and so they should be protected from the direct sunrays, if this is installed outdoors it should be seen that the pump electronics should be kept dry as rain particles mainly will spoil the device and container. The circulating pump also will need lot of ventilation and space to be placed.

Thus we can say that if you consider the above mentioned factors or things then it will be highly useful and efficient. The installation of the solar hot water controller hence plays a very pivotal role in its functioning and working. Read More